This page provides links to selected Research Infrastructures offering acces to external users which are currently under construction worldwide.
to be commissioned in 2016
Research infrastructure consisting of 3 laser centers in Europe hosting new generation of laser sources
ELI Beamlines in the Czech Republic will create a new generation of secondary laser sources used in user access regime for interdisciplinary research in physics, medicine, biology and material sciences. Operational from 2016
ELI Attosecond in Hungary is to be focused on physics of ultrashort optical pulses in attosecond order. Operational from 2016
ELI Nuclear Physics in Rumania is aimed at photonuclear physics. Operational from 2016
to be commissioned in 2019
Research infrastructure hosting world’s most powerful neutron source comprising a linear proton accelerator, a heavy-metal target station, a large array of state-of-the-art neutron instruments, a suite of laboratories, and a supercomputing data management and software development center. The source will be around 30 times brighter than today's leading facilities, enabling new opportunities for researchers in the fields of life sciences, energy, environmental technology, cultural heritage and fundamental physics.
to be commissioned in 2015
The European XFEL will generate ultrashort X-ray flashes with 27KHz repetition rate and a brilliance billion times higher than the best conventional X-ray radiation sources offering completely new research opportunities for scientists and industrial users.
to be commissioned in 2016
SwissFEL, Switzerland's X-ray free-electron laser is currently under construction at the Paul Scherrer Institute.
to be commissioned 2019
The ESRF is currently at an advanced stage of an ambitious upgrade. The first phase, based on new and improved beamlines and instrumentation, will be complete in 2015. The second phase, foreseen for 2015–2019, is designed around a new storage ring lattice that will reduce the horizontal spread of emittance of the ESRF’s electron beam 4 nm to less than 0.2 nm – boosting the brilliance and coherence of its X-rays to values never before achieved at a synchrotron.
to be commissioned in 2015
The MAX IV Laboratory in Lund Sweden consists today of three existing storage rings - MAX I, MAX II and MAX III. A new facility, the MAX IV , is being constructed in the north east of Lund. The MAX IV design also includes an option for a Free Electron Laser as a second development stage of the facility.
to be commissioned in 2018
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is currently being constructed jointly by Chinese Academy of Sciences and and the southern Guangdong Province as a largest scientific infrastructure of China. CSNS consists of an H-linac and a proton rapid cycling synchrotron. It is designed to accelerate proton beam pulses to strike a solid metal target to produce spallation neutrons. Unique feature is the planned installation of the negative hydrogen ion source expected to offer a high quality and stable particle beam. CSNS’ first target station accommodates 18 neutron scattering instruments. However, due to limited project funds, only three day-one instruments are currently supported: a high intensity diffractometer, a broad Q-range small angle diffractometer, and a multi-purpose reflectometer.
To be commissioned ... Tbd
CTA – the Cherenkov Telescope Array – is a multinational, world-wide project to construct a unique instrument exploring the cosmos at the highest photon energies. Over 1000 scientists and engineers from 5 continents, 28 countries and over 170 research institutes participate in the CTA project. CTA will provide an order-of-magnitude jump in sensitivity over current instruments, providing novel insights into some of the most extreme processes in the Universe. CTA will consist of over 100 Cherenkov telescopes of 23-m, 12-m and 4-m dish size located at one larger site in the southern and a smaller site in the northern hemisphere. Potential candidate sites have already been identified.