
1.9.1. HPLC

Modular high performance liquid chromatography system (Watrex, Ecom) with UV and photodiode array detectors for monitoring reactions, determination of material purity and for isolation of extremely pure liquid crystalline substances. Chromatographic determination of the E-Z isomer ratio for the photosensitive liquid crystalline materials. Chiral chromatography for determination of the optical purity of enantiomers.

Contact: Ing. Petra Tomášková / (+420)266052781 / tomasko@fzu.cz
1.9.2. Measurement setup for electrical characterization and impedance spectroscopy.

Measurement setup for electrical characterization and impedance spectroscopy.

The laboratory is equipped with devices enable impedance measurements in wide frequency range (used devices: Omicron Bode 100 - Vector Network and Impedance Analyzer and Hioki 3522-50). The devices are connected to measurement unit (PC) by GPIB-USB and/or RS232 interface allowing fully automated measurements with channel multiplexor. The laboratory also contains standard devices for electrical characterization of samples, i.e. multimeter AGILENT 34410A, picoampermeter KEITHLEY 6487/E, three channel voltage source U2722A, programmable voltage source E3631A, etc.

Contact: Ing. Tibor Ižák, Ph.D. / 220 318 511 / izak@fzu.cz