Tube furnace CLARE 4 has a corundum tube with internal diameter 30 mm and length 800 mmm, respectively. The furnace could operate up to 1600 °C in vacuum (cca 5 mbar), air and gasses H2, Ar, N2 and O2 s in static and dynamic regimes.

Tube furnace CLARE 4 has a corundum tube with internal diameter 30 mm and length 800 mmm, respectively. The furnace could operate up to 1600 °C in vacuum (cca 5 mbar), air and gasses H2, Ar, N2 and O2 s in static and dynamic regimes.
Plasma system VacuTec CPU500 for Reactive ion Etching (RIE) with the plasma chamber consists of two Al electrodes of 30 cm diametrer. The etching of structures in rf discharge (13.56 MHz, power up to 700 W) in oxygen, freon and argon is possible to performed.
MicroWriter MLTM is a flexible photolithography machine designed for rapid prototyping and small volume manufacture in R&D. For exposure the 16 UV diode operated at 405 nm are available. The lithography could operate in fast regime with resolution 5 um by means of 15 lasers and precise regime with resolution 0,6 um. To ¨design the structure professional mask design software Clewin 4 is available as weel as spin coater system.