Tescan FERA 3 SEM is a scanning electron microscope combined with novel Xenon plasma focused ion beam and wide set of detectors and analyzers including EDS, EDSD, CL, EBIC and 3D option for mappping. It allows majority of the tasks for SEM.

Tescan FERA 3 SEM is a scanning electron microscope combined with novel Xenon plasma focused ion beam and wide set of detectors and analyzers including EDS, EDSD, CL, EBIC and 3D option for mappping. It allows majority of the tasks for SEM.
High resolution scanning electron microscope (FESEM) combined with focus ion beam (FIB) FEI Quanta 3D FEG and extensive accessories (EDS, EBSD, GIS, etc.) is fully equipped workstation for 2D and 3D microscopy, nanomachining and MEMS prototyping.
The FEI Tecnai X-Twin F20 is a highly advanced, state-of-the-art 200 kV scanning transmission electron microscope (S/TEM) equipped with a field emission system.
Electron probe X-ray microanalyzer JEOL JXA-733 is scanning electron microscope equipped with three wave-length dispersive spectrometers (WDS) and one energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) allowing for observation of samples in secondary and back scattered electrons, qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical elements, EBSD detector for crystal orientation mapping of polycrystalline samples and Electron Beam Induced Currents (EBIC) imaging.
The transmission electron microscope Philips CM120 with equipment for precession of the primary electron beam is configured to make Electron diffraction tomography for the purpose of atomic structure determination of microsamples. The process of data collection in the whole accessible reciprocal space is fully automated. The crystal structures are solved by standard crystallographic solution software (like Superflip) and refined using the dynamical refinement. Small to medium sized structures can be solved for samples stable under electron beam. For the moment, only powder samples can be used. Samples can be cooled down to the LN2 temperatures.