X-ray diffractometer in particular for thin films and single crystals investigations; 18 kW, Cu rotating anode, line focus, th/2th horizontal goniometer, variable modular system (Göbel, Bartels, scintillation detector,…).

X-ray diffractometer in particular for thin films and single crystals investigations; 18 kW, Cu rotating anode, line focus, th/2th horizontal goniometer, variable modular system (Göbel, Bartels, scintillation detector,…).
X-ray diffractometer focused on powder diffraction experiments. 3 kW generator, vertical th/th goniometer, parallel beam, texture cradle and high temperature chamber, ultrafast X’Celerator detector.
The equipment is used to evaluate crystal lattice orientation of large single crystals
Gemini is a four-circle diffractometer with kappa geometry for structure analysis of single crystals. It has two x-ray sources: Mo sealed x-ray tube with grapphite collimator and Mo-Enfance collimator, and Cu sealed x-ray tube with mirror optics. Diffracted beams are detected by 135mm diameter 2k x 2k CCD detector Atlas with dynamic range 18 bits. The size of the investigated samples should ideally be between 0.1 and 0.5 mm. The samples can be anything from metals to large organic molecules, except proteins which require different technology.
Empyrean is a powder diffractometer with Bragg-Brentano and Debye-Scherrer geometry for quantitative structure analysis of crystals in a form of powder. Its x-ray source is a Cu sealed x-ray tube, which can be used either with a beta filter (measurement of flat samples with CuKalpha doublet), with primary Johansson monochromator (measurement of flat samples with CuKalpha1 line), and with focussing mirror (measurement of samples in a capillary with CuKalpha doublet). The minimum amount of sample is about 0.1 g. Structure determination is possible for small molecules and inorganic compounds.